Thursday 26 March 2015

Latest works for Principles of Animation.

It's been great fun learning to use the wacom tablets for the past 6 weeks, Felicity's turn around poses were very challenging for me having never used a tablet untill now.

My first .gif still needs work

I've been working on turn around sheets for other characters in my animation recently. They are pencil drawn, ready to be traced and saved for further .gif  animating.

There are five more secondary characters I am planning on making turn around sheets for, (to use later on when animating Funklore), they are; Felicity's parents, Iruri's parents, the robber.

I believe I should be able to start working on the Funklore splash art picture once I get better at mastering the many tools PS has to offer while working on my characters' poses.

Iruri 'Groovesman' Groove
Dode the psychopomp monkey



                          By Luke

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