Sunday 14 June 2015

Matthew Patrick aka MatPat and Film Theory

Game theory logo

MatPat is a youtube celebrity who made his debut with his channel The Game Theorists (April 2011). In this channel he works hand in hand with other youtubers overanalysing video games. They cover it all from diving into the lore of Five Nights At Freddy's, researching the tech of Halo, or picking apart the dark secrets of the Mario universe. If you love taking your gaming to the next level, then Game Theory is a channel for you.
It's a well presented show and they always come up with new intriguing ideas for videos. What really hooked me to it was the fact that they are all normal people who talk about their hobbies and present it so charismatically that it appeals to millions of people.

As of May 2014 a new channel, The Film Theorist was released. It's the same as Game Theory, a nerdy overdissection of movie logic and physics. It also includes a new show called Frame by Frame which looks into the history of cinematography. 

All in all, these guys are amazing and I strongly recomend both channels to anyone who likes video games and movies.